Friday, November 29, 2019

STRATEGIC PLAN Essays - Strategic Management, Mission Statement

STRATEGIC PLAN SHAWNTIL COTTON POST UNIVERSITY Where are you now Mission Statement T o provide and serve the best authentic s outhern soul food dining and take-out experiences, by providing reasonable process in a family friendly environment and treat all customers with dignity and respect Values and/or guiding principals S erve our customers with the best home grown ingredients M aintain a clean family atmosphere H ave ample parking T reat customers with respect and dignity Hospitality- by showing great enthusiasm and concern for the company and customers Authenticity - serving real and original foods social responsibility -by being dedicated to maintaining great c ustomer service teamwork- by working as a team to ensure the job gets done and in a timely manner . SWOT STRENGTHS Quick Service Great Location Great Food Production Quality WEAKNESS Operation Cost Limited Seating Time Scale Management Coverage OPPORTUNITIES Target Markets Business Development Contracts Food Tourism THREATS Market Demands Poor Management Loss of Resources Obstacles the company will face WHERE ARE WE GOING Competitive Advantages The company is best at putting authentic meals and snacks on the market for our customers. The company is best at keeping new items in rotation and on the menus. H igh grade quality ingredients H ire experienced friendly employees M aintain a friendly atmosphere L ocate an excellent business location Vison Statement Five years from now Snug's Southern Soul Food Restaurant will become a successful Soul Food restaurant in Appleton, Wisconsin. By provi ng a soul satisfying meal and or snack to every customer that the company comes in contact with. STRENGTHS G reat planning and execution plan WEAKNESS H ave enough employees properly trained OPPORTUNITIES Unlimited THREATS Copy cat businesses HOW WILL YOU GET THERE Strategic Objectives Financial T ake out only what is needed to live on and use the rest towards expenses Increase revenue and decrease expenses by 10% C ustomer G et customer feedback on how to improve the business I ntroducing new menu items to the customers I mproving services offered to new and existing customers Operational R un a tight ship to keep control over the expenses Expand orders through wireless technology People C ontinue to train employees for growth for the business and their personal growth I mprove relationships with our suppliers Strategy Become a well-known and successful company. By providing our cus tomers with a very large variety of soul satisfying, mouth watering foods, in an environment where ethnic foods are rare. Short-term goals/priorities/ initiatives Within the next two years my company will have a location and all the proper documentation needed in order to open a business in the state of Wisconsin. My company is going to accomplish these goals by working as a team. Making the task at hand a priority, by getting out in looking for a prime location, and by doing the proper research and making the proper phone calls. To get the goals at hand done my team and I will be responsible for making sure everything is done and in to the proper people by the deadline. Action Items Menu, Kitchen Staff, Cost, Food Quality will all fall under the Chef Decor and furniture will fall under the Manager Scorecard Deter mine what the big picture of my vison will be C ome up with a creative purpose statement Execution the goals and objectives that needs to be achieved will be acknowledged, rewards will give for the continued progress. Goals that have been achieved that were on the timelines specified in the plan? Will not go unnoticed. if the deadlines for completion get changed management will get to the bottom of why they are being changed and all the proper employees will be notified in the proper amount of time needed. Personnel will have the adequate resources to get all goals ach ieved . All the goals set in place are realistic and will be followed according to priority No priorities will be changed in order to make sure the company goals are followed through on because the company is number one on the priority list By monitoring the progress and evaluating everything for the company the grand opening of the company hiring process will all fall in

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Cobb-Douglas Production Function

The Cobb-Douglas Production Function In economics, a production function is an equation that describes the relationship between input and output, or what goes into making a certain product, and a Cobb-Douglas production function is a specific standard equation that is applied to describe how much output two or more inputs into a production process make, with capital and labor being the typical inputs described. Developed by economist Paul Douglas and mathematician Charles Cobb, Cobb-Douglas production functions are commonly used in both macroeconomics and microeconomics models because they have a number of convenient and realistic properties. The equation for the Cobb-Douglas production formula, wherein K represents capital, L represents labor input and a, b, and c represent non-negative constants, is as follows: f(K,L) bKaLc If ac1 this  production function  has constant returns to scale, and it would thus be considered linearly homogeneous. As this is a standard case, one often writes (1-a) in place of c. Its also important to note that technically a Cobb-Douglas production function could have more than two inputs, and the functional form, in this case, is analogous to what is shown above. The Elements of Cobb-Douglas: Capital and Labor When Douglas and Cobb were conducting research on mathematics and economies from 1927 to 1947, they observed sparse statistical data sets from that time period and came to a conclusion about economies in developed countries around the world: there was a direct correlation between capital and labor and the real value of all goods produced within a timeframe. Its important to understand how capital and labor are defined in these terms, as the assumption by Douglas and Cobb make sense in the context of economic theory and rhetoric. Here, capital indicates the real value of all machinery, parts, equipment, facilities, and buildings while labor accounts for the total number of hours worked within a timeframe by employees. Basically, this theory then posits that the value of the machinery and the number of person-hours worked directly relate to the gross output of production. Although this concept is reasonably sound on the surface, there were a number of criticisms Cobb-Douglas production functions received when first published in 1947. The Importance of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions Fortunately, most early criticism of the Cobb-Douglas functions was based on their methodology of research into the matter- essentially economists argued that the pair did not have enough statistical evidence to observe at the time as it related to true production business capital, labor hours worked, or complete total production outputs at the time. With the introduction of this unifying theory on national economies, Cobb and Douglas shifted the global discourse at it related to micro- and macroeconomic perspective. Furthermore, the theory stood true after 20 years of research when the 1947 United States Census data came out and the Cobb-Douglas model was applied to its data. Since then, a number of other similar aggregate and economy-wide theories, functions, and formulas have been developed to ease the process of statistical correlation; the Cobb-Douglas production functions are still used in analyses of economies of modern, developed, and stable nations around the world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management & Budgetary Control and the Beyond Budgeting debate Essay

Management & Budgetary Control and the Beyond Budgeting debate - Essay Example During the recent years new ideas have emerged in the business world that challenge the traditional approach to budgeting and claim it not be fit for the current business environment as it is unable to fulfill the demands and requirements. It is both private and public sector that have adopted traditional approach to budgeting since very beginning and they find comfort in tradition even if it doesn’t suit the current business environment. The new ideas are revolutionary they compensate both future financial planning keeping in view non-financial factors that influence the performance and working of the organization (Moolchand, Narendra, & Koshina, 2012). Therefore this changing business world gives rise to the idea of â€Å"Beyond Budgeting† that provides a model beyond command and control towards a more adaptive, flexible and empowering model. Beyond Budgeting is being used to transform the performance potential of the organization it removes the shackles of annual bud get and at the same time allowing the employees to use their full power in the front line. Business environment especially in the past one decade has become much dynamic, complex, turbulent and uncertain. Adaptability is the greatest attribute that the organizations should possess in order to sustain in the market. Life cycles of the products have reduced with the continuous advancement in the technology innovation becomes a critical factor of success for the corporates. These details regarding the business and market environment signify that diversity along with flexibility is important for sustainable growth of the organization. It is not the organizations with huge capital and resources who can survive it is corporates that are adaptable would progress in future. Recent events in the business world raised the comments and the criticism over budgeting system that is in practice currently. It brings rigidity in the system, restricts movement and doesn’t limits

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Op-ed Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Op-ed - Research Paper Example Another relationship that such a shift would affect is that between the US and Israel, especially as Israel also views Iran as being the main destabilizing player in the region. These rifts between Iran and almost every other Arab power have largely shaped US-Iranian relations in the past decade. In the aftermath of the US’ overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and the Arab Spring movements, the US and Iran have been pitted in intense battles for influence in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq (Singh 1). While US officials continue to state that military action against Iranian nuclear installations remains an option, several developments in the Middle East have acted to realign relations between the two countries. The need for cooperation between Iran and the US in ensuring successful political transition in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as in coordinating a successful military operation against ISIS, has worked to align both countries’ foreign policy (Cullis 1). One notable result of this lull in political tensions has been the US government’s softened stance towards Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. As a result, even with US foreign policy still identifying Sunni Arab states like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Turkey as its closest ally, the convergence of Iranian policy and US policy has led to common interests. However, rather than being part of a conscious change in US foreign policy, it is more of a geo-political reality. President Obama’s admi nistration has stressed that the US is not coordinating the ISIS effort and regional policies with Iran, although the recent intensive negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program has led to increased understanding (Cullis 1). For analysts like Laura Rozen at Al-Monitor, however, the chance for any rapprochement between Iran and the US is slim at best, if the history of

Monday, November 18, 2019

The American Civil Rights Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The American Civil Rights Movement - Essay Example After the unfortunate murder of King, Black leaders, such as Stokely Carmichael joined the Black Panther movement, and coined the phrase ‘black power’. He advocated Black liberation from oppression and discrimination by any means possible. Therefore, it proved to be a radical movement which utilized violence. The movements’ violent message permeated into most parts of black society. Consequently, blacks treated whites as their enemies and old gang rivalries based on cultural divides were galvanized.Nevertheless, the movement as a whole was nonviolent and very successful. Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which made it possible for southern African Americans to cast vote. Prior to this Act, discriminatory literacy tests and poll taxes had restricted black from voting. Furthermore, in 1968, President Johnson signed the Rights Act which banned discrimination in the sale, rental, and finance of housing. In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled that prohibiting int erracial marriage was unconstitutional. Consequently, sixteen states that still banned interracial marriage were forced to revise their laws. In my opinion, the Civil Rights movement transformed the USA completely. Without these brave and audacious African leaders and free thinkers, battling against an unjust society was nearly impossible. Many of the protestors and leaders of the different movements were either targeted by the authorities or tortured by the police. Individual leaders, such as Martin Luther King were even murdered while trying to battle.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Methods Of Recovering Energy From Waste

Methods Of Recovering Energy From Waste Biomass (waste) energy is increasingly attracting attention worldwide because it is a renewable source of energy and potentially CO2 neutral. At present, most waste materials are converted into electricity often by combustion. Waste combustion is widely applied for district heating and combined heat and power for electricity generation. This report describes waste, waste reduction and treatment regulations in Europe as well as different types of waste generated, an overview of waste to energy technologies applied throughout the world today. Energy from waste has been evaluated based on their ability to reduce the emission of pollutant into the atmosphere. In order to mitigate climate change which is gaining increasing awareness, recent developments of different technologies that have been able to process waste to generate heat and power with high efficiencies can be considered to be the most viable option to replace fossil fuels. 2 INTRODUCTION Due to the rising cost and the ecological disadvantages of fossil fuels, there as been concerns about the future of energy supply in the world. According to the World Energy Council, fossil fuel covers about 82% of the worlds energy. And this has caused severe damages for the environment in terms of greenhouse emissions, sea level rising, air pollution, etc. Moreover, as the World continues to experience globalization, rapid industrialization and technological advancement, it will certainly get to a point, where supply of these fossil fuels will not meet demand. Therefore, it is imperative to find an alternative source of energy (Soetaert and Vandamme, 2006). Research and development of renewable sources of energy and energy from biomass is expected to be of immense benefit to the society as it reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it is not exhaustible. Biomass is a major source of biologically derived bio fuels (bio-ethanol) and biogas. This is considerably becoming a reality in energy/electricity generation. Biomass can be burnt directly to produce heat or electricity, or it can be converted into solid, liquid or gaseous fuel through fermentation process into alcohol and anaerobic digestion into biogas. There are many environmental and social benefits associated with biomass energy. These include reduction in CO2 levels, energy carriers to rural communities, waste control, etc. (Calbe, Bajay, Rothman and Harry, 2000). Biomass raw materials for energy generation includes the first generation feedstocks i.e. energy crops (corn, sugarcane, wheat, etc) and the second generation feedstock mainly lignocellulosic materials (wood and agricultural residues). Hence, using biomass as a substitute for fossil fuels is sustainable and beneficial. However, there have been contentions on the use of human food (energy crop) for energy generation especially in developing countries where there is shortage of food. Hoffert et al. (2002), Dismiss the use of biomass for energy, others take the opposite view (Dewulf and Langenhove 2006). To this effect, energy recovery from waste can be an economical viable option. 3 WASTES 3.1 Definition Waste arises as a result of human technological development and social activities. The Uks Environmental Protection Act 1990 indicated waste includes any substance which constitutes a scrap material, an effluent or other unwanted surplus arising from the application of any process or any substance or article which requires to be disposed of which as been broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled, this is supplemented with anything which is discarded otherwise dealt with as if it were waste shall be presumed to be waste unless the contrary is proved. Murphy et al. (2002) defined waste as a material with no further beneficial use. The figure below shows the Schematic illustration of the EU Legal definition of waste 3.2 EU WASTE FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE The Directive requires all Member States to take the necessary measures to ensure that waste is recovered or disposed of without endangering human health or causing harm to the environment and includes permitting, registration and inspection requirements. The Directive also requires Member States to take appropriate measures to encourage firstly, the prevention or reduction of waste production and its harmfulness and secondly the recovery of waste by means of recycling, re-use or reclamation or any other process with a view to extracting secondary raw materials, or the use of waste as a source of energy (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2009). 3.3 UK WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY The UK Waste Policy is developed from the idea of sustainable development. This policy encourage diversion from landfills by imposing high tax levies on landfill site, reduce the amount of waste produced by the commercial sector, and ultimately encourage re-use and recycling of materials. 3.4 WASTE HIERARCHY Figure 3.1 Waste hierarchy 3.5 TYPES OF WASTE Municipal Solid Waste Hazardous/Radioactive Waste Sewage Sludge Medical/Clinical Waste Agricultural Waste Industrial and Commercial Waste Other Waste e.g. construction and demolition industry waste, mines and quarry waste and power station ash, iron and steel slags (Williams, 1999). There are also two different kinds of component fraction in a waste stream; The Organic fraction i.e. Biodegradable and the Inorganic fraction. 3.5.1Municipal Solid Waste This is composed of/includes mainly household waste, with commercial and trade waste which is collected or disposed of by a municipality within an area. The composition of MSW streams varies, depending upon socio-economic factors, geographical locations, climate, population density and level of industrialization etc. for example in US and other industrialized countries where value is placed on time, consumers have adapted to the mentality of using disposable at all times, thereby driving packaging and wrapping technologies to a new level, in addition with the putrescible waste from food stuffs. The energy fraction contained in materials of this type of waste stream can be between 75 to 90%. Whereas in less developed countries where the waste stream is composed dominantly of putrescible fraction i.e. foodstuffs, vegetable and organic materials with minute packaging materials, the energy content will be much lower (Murphy, 2002). 3.5.2 Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste is waste which contains substances that are considered to be dangerous to health and society. This includes substances which are reactive, infectious, harmful, toxic and corrosive etc. examples are chemicals such as, hydrogen cyanide, sulphuric acid, hydrofluoric acid etc. explosives such as dynamite, ammunition etc. water reactive chemicals such as potassium, phosphorous, sodium hydride etc. In USA, estimate arisings of hazard waste is 275 million tonnes, UK 4.5 million tonnes, Germany 6 million tonnes, Spain 1.7 million tonnes (Williams, 1999). 3.5.3 SEWAGE SLUDGE Sewage Sludge is usually generated at the waste water treatment facility. It is a by-product of the treatment of raw sewage from domestic households, which may also include commercial and industrial waste. The sewage is composed mainly of water, but after treatment, the moisture material is concentrated to form sewage sludge (Williams, 1999). They are solid, semi-solid or bio solid in nature. Harper-Collins Dictionary of Environmental Science defines Sewage Sludge as a semi-solid mixture of bacteria, virus-laden organic matter, toxic metals, synthetic organic chemicals, and settled solids removed from domestic and industrial waste at sewage treatment plants. (Renewable Energy Institute) The sewage sludge treatment undergoes both aerobic and anaerobic digestion and the final treated sewage sludge is either land filled, spread on land as fertilizers or incinerated. Recent developments have shown that biogas can be produced during anaerobic digestion. 3.5.4 CLINICAL WASTE Clinical Waste is mainly produced/waste arising from health centres, hospitals and nursing homes etc. Examples include drugs, syringes, needles, blood, human or animal tissue etc. Approximately 0.3 millions tonnes of clinical waste arises in the UK annually. Majority of clinical waste are incinerated (Williams, 1999). 3.5.5 AGRICULTURAL WASTE Agricultural waste is waste streams generally produced from agricultural activities. They are produced within agricultural premises and they include organic materials such as slurry, manure from livestock, silage effluent and crop residues. It is estimated that approximately 700 million tonnes of agricultural waste is produced in OECD countries. UK also produces large tonnage, 80 million tonnes estimated from housed livestock alone (Williams 1999). 3.5.6 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WASTE These are types of waste stream that arises from both industrial and commercial sectors such as hotels and catering, food, drink and tobacco manufacturing industries, metal manufacturing industries, timber and wooden furniture industries, mechanical and electrical industries, transport and communication industries etc. The typical composition of this waste streams differs and very wide. A survey carried out by Environmental Agency of some 4,500 commercial and industrial businesses in England in 2002/2003 showed that commercial waste amounted to 30 million tonnes and industrial waste 38 million tonnes (mt). In that survey, the main sectors producing CI wastes were retail (12.7mt), food, drink and tobacco (7.2mt), professional services and other (7.1mt), utilities (6.2mt), the chemicals industries (including fibre, rubber and plastics) (5.3mt), basic metal manufacture (4.8mt) and hotels/catering (3.4mt) (Defra, commercial and industrial waste in England, 2009). 4 ENERGY RECOVERIES FROM WASTE TECHNOLOGIES Energy is recovered from waste either through thermal combustion or biological/chemical reactions. The energy recovery process produces electricity directly through combustion, or produces synthetic and combustible fuel i.e. methane. 4.1 INCINERATION Incineration with energy recovery is the controlled combustion of waste and it is the most wide spread waste to energy implementation. It involves the combustion of waste streams at high temperatures and the heat produced can be used to drive a turbine in order to produce electricity and district heating. Waste materials or fuel are fed into incinerators in two ways, the mass fired/burning systems and refuse derived fuel (RDF) fired systems. The mass burning involves minimal processing; the entire mixed municipal solid waste is fed into a furnace without any removal/separation of recyclable and non combustible materials. For RDF fired technologies, MSW undergoes pre-treatment, separation of non-combustible and recyclable material which is known as RDF. RDF fired systems has a higher energy content compared to unprocessed MSW because of its homogeneity (Tchobanoglous, Thiesen and Vigil, 1993). There are various types of incinerator plant design: moving grate, fixed grate, rotary-kiln, and fluidized bed incinerator. 4.1.1 Moving Grate This can also be called Municipal Solid Waste incinerators. The moving grate enables the movement of waste by a waste crane at one end of the grate through the combustion chamber to the ash pit at the lower end. The combustion air is supplied through the grate lying below. Cooling of the grate itself is essential for the mechanical strength of the grate. One single moving grate boiler can handle 35 metric tonnes of waste per hour, and 8,000 hours per year. 4.1.2 Fixed Grate This is a simpler type of incinerator. It is made of a brick lined compartment with a fixed metal grate above the lower ash pit, with one opening for loading and another opening in the side for removing incombustible solids known as clinkers. 4.1.3 Rotary kiln It is mostly used by municipalities and large industrial plants. Rotary kiln incinerators have 2 chambers, primary and secondary chamber. In the primary chamber, movement and conversion of solid fraction of the waste to gases and partial combustion occurs while the secondary chamber completes the gas phase combustion reactions. 4.1.4 Fluidized Bed Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC) is a combustion technology used in power plants. FBC developed from efforts to find a combustion process that is able to control pollutant emissions. Advanced fluidized bed combustion offers a viable power generation technique. In fluidized bed combustion, a strong airflow is forced through a sand bed, which keeps the waste suspended on pumped air currents and takes on fluid like character. Due to the turbulent mixing, the waste and sand are fully circulated through the furnace. 4.2 BALDOVIE WASTE TO ENERGY PLANT The Baldovie waste to energy plant is a state of the art facility commissioned in Dundee in 1999, to replace a waste disposal incinerator due to its inability to meet EU requirements on emissions. The plant is run by a joint venture between Dundee city council and private sector partners. The joint venture is collectively called Dundee energy recycling limited (DERL). The plant processes 120,000 tonnes of waste annually and generates electricity to meet its own demand (about 2.2MW) and also supply to the public (about 8.8MW). Separation techniques carried out before combustion removes and recovers ferrous metals which can be resold (Gazetteer for Scotland, 2010). 4.3 LANDFILL GAS CAPTURE Landfill is a waste disposal site where waste is deposited onto or into the land. When waste is deposited, it undergoes various degradation process which produces gas mainly methane. Modern landfills have gas recovery systems, where the landfill gas is extracted and can be used for production of steam, heat and electricity (Dewulf and Langenhove 2006, p.248) 4.4 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Anaerobic treatment technologies are used throughout the world for effective treatment of organic waste. This technology is particularly attractive because the energy required for operating the process is minimal compared to energy required for aerobic process. Anaerobic digestion is a complex biogenic process which involves the microbial degradation or conversion of organic waste in a closed reactor vessel (absence of air) to produce gas chiefly methane (55-65%), CO2 (35-45%), and trace amounts of N2, H2 and H2S, depending on factors such as the composition of waste, organic loadings applied to the digester, time and temperature. The methane-rich biogas which can be combusted to generate heat and electricity In general anaerobic digestion is considered to occur in three stages: A] Liquefaction or polymer breakdown; B] Acid formation; and C} Methane formation Substrates for anaerobic digestion includes waste water from food processing, breweries, distilleries etc. sewage sludge, animal waste, farm residues. 4.5 GASIFICATION AND PYROLYSIS Gasification is defined as a partial oxidation/combustion of biomass and various combustible waste/carbonaceous fuels to produce gas. This gas can be used in internal combustion engines and gas turbines to generate electric power. Pyrolysis is a thermal process which involves the breakdown of organic materials in waste under pressure in the absence of oxygen. The pyrolysis process produces a liquid residue and gas which can be combusted to generate electricity. The principal difference between the two systems is that, pyrolysis system use an external source of heat to drive the endothermic pyrolysis reaction in an oxygen free environment, whereas gasification systems are self-sustainable and use air or oxygen for partial combustion of solid state (Tchobanoglous, Thiesen and vigil 1993). 5 CONCLUSIONS Energy from waste has been evaluated based on their ability to reduce the emission of pollutant into the atmosphere, minimise waste, and generate heat and power. With the recent development of different technologies that have been able to process waste to generate energy with high efficiencies, waste to energy technologies can be considered to be viable substitute/option for fossil fuels for electricity generation and also in minimizing of waste accumulation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ensure Technical and Academic Rigor of Programs :: Curriculum Education Careers Essays

Ensure Technical and Academic Rigor of Programs Effective career and technical education programs clearly articulate course outcomes and align content with national or state occupational skill standards. These standards, endorsed by business and industry, are designed to prepare students with skills that reflect job market requirements and address all aspects of the industry, not just skills required for single jobs. Curricula developed around these standards offer teachers a variety of strategies for improving standards in their classrooms. Ohio has developed a set of cluster guides based on the Integrated Technical and Academic Competencies (ITACS) that employers have identified as necessary for work: solving problems and thinking skillfully, communicating effectively, applying technology, and so forth. The curriculum for each of these cluster guides follows the same format. Each begins with a workplace scenario, engages students in a problem-solving approach to learning, and integrates technical and academic competencies from state and national standards. Through the scenarios outlined in the guides, students are led to construct knowledge by engaging in learning experiences and problem-solving activities that have value beyond the classroom (Vocational Instructional Materials Laboratory 1999). Projects that use the context of the workplace and the community to teach academic and technical skills offer another strategy for ensuring program rigor. Students learn best in the context of real life experiences. Sussex Technical High School in Georgetown, Delaware; William H. Turner Technical Arts High School in Miami; and Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professionals in Houston are three schools that combine rigorous academic coursework with career and technical education through hands-on activities set in real-world contexts (Roberts 1999). In this way, "students can combine what they're learning in the field or laboratory with basic writing, science, and math skills" (p. 22). "Curriculum integration, contextual and applied learning, tech prep, and team teaching have increased the academic rigor of career and technical education disciplines" (Lozada 1999, p. 16). Traditional instructional roles, however, do not support these strategies for applying academic and technical understandings to real-world problems. To involve students in learning experiences that are situated in certain physical and social contexts and require interaction with other people, teachers must assume the role of coach or mentor, encouraging students to create their own knowledge from experiences beyond the classroom. When CTE instruction supports what is known about intelligence, brain development, cognition and learning, it gives credence to initiatives that integrate academic education with career and technical education (Reese 2002). Ensure Technical and Academic Rigor of Programs :: Curriculum Education Careers Essays Ensure Technical and Academic Rigor of Programs Effective career and technical education programs clearly articulate course outcomes and align content with national or state occupational skill standards. These standards, endorsed by business and industry, are designed to prepare students with skills that reflect job market requirements and address all aspects of the industry, not just skills required for single jobs. Curricula developed around these standards offer teachers a variety of strategies for improving standards in their classrooms. Ohio has developed a set of cluster guides based on the Integrated Technical and Academic Competencies (ITACS) that employers have identified as necessary for work: solving problems and thinking skillfully, communicating effectively, applying technology, and so forth. The curriculum for each of these cluster guides follows the same format. Each begins with a workplace scenario, engages students in a problem-solving approach to learning, and integrates technical and academic competencies from state and national standards. Through the scenarios outlined in the guides, students are led to construct knowledge by engaging in learning experiences and problem-solving activities that have value beyond the classroom (Vocational Instructional Materials Laboratory 1999). Projects that use the context of the workplace and the community to teach academic and technical skills offer another strategy for ensuring program rigor. Students learn best in the context of real life experiences. Sussex Technical High School in Georgetown, Delaware; William H. Turner Technical Arts High School in Miami; and Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professionals in Houston are three schools that combine rigorous academic coursework with career and technical education through hands-on activities set in real-world contexts (Roberts 1999). In this way, "students can combine what they're learning in the field or laboratory with basic writing, science, and math skills" (p. 22). "Curriculum integration, contextual and applied learning, tech prep, and team teaching have increased the academic rigor of career and technical education disciplines" (Lozada 1999, p. 16). Traditional instructional roles, however, do not support these strategies for applying academic and technical understandings to real-world problems. To involve students in learning experiences that are situated in certain physical and social contexts and require interaction with other people, teachers must assume the role of coach or mentor, encouraging students to create their own knowledge from experiences beyond the classroom. When CTE instruction supports what is known about intelligence, brain development, cognition and learning, it gives credence to initiatives that integrate academic education with career and technical education (Reese 2002).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Malunggay and Spinach Powder Essay

RATIONALE He gives us that vast goodness of nature and vegetation is among those. As man propagates for abundance; he deserves to harbour tremendous benefits from it. Man inhabited earth with all its richness laid before him. With his gladness, ingenuity and constant search for knowledge he discovered numerous ways to enrich his mind of endless ideas, body for health and longevity and spirit to fulfil his close relation with his maker and humanity. Thus, man discovers infinite ways and makes use of accessible resources to satisfy his longings for health and wellness. The discovery of herbal plants made the possible existence of modern medicine. Modern medicine makes use of these plants in making capsulated herbal medicine or food supplements. It is scientifically proven that numerous of vitamins and minerals are found in herbal plants that can supply the needs of living things, specifically humans. These vitamins and minerals help supply energy within a person’s body, which is needed for everyday activities in order for them to perform well. Herbal plants nowadays are not just made as medicinal purposes but also as food ingredients so that it may add a unique and healthier flavour to foods. Malunggay or Horse radish (Moringa oelifera) was once considered a â€Å"poor man’s vegetable† but now it is known as a â€Å"miracle tree† or â€Å"nature’s medicine cabinet† by scientists and health care workers from around the world because itis loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments such as arthritis, anemia, ovarian cancer, heartcomplications, kidney problems, asthma and digestive disorders. This plant thrives in tropical countries, mainly in Southeast Asia, Central and SouthAmerica and Africa. It is indeed widely cultivated. It grows up to ten (10) meters tall and its leaflets are ovate to elliptic and are two (2) centimeters long. Each ounce of Malunggay contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of bananas. It is said that these plants require little maintenance, which makes it easy for cash-strapped people to gain health without thinking of budget concerns. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an edible flowering plant in the family ofAmaranthaceae which originated from Central and South western Asia and is now widely cultivated throughout the world. It grows to a height of up to thirty (30) centimeters and its leaves are simple, alternate, ovate to triangular-based and varies in size from two (2) to three (3) centimeters long and one to fifteen(15) centimeters broad. Besides of it being considered as an herb rich in Iron, it isalso a rich source of Carbohydrates, Dietary fiber, Fat, Protein, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Calcium. It is well-known in stabilizing the blood sugar among diabetics, it serves as an anti-oxidant, an anti-cancer agent, it prevents from atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries and it aids in the formation of the blood substance required for blood clotting. The combination of both herbs can surely make a nutritious supplement for all ages. This study presents the result of the beneficial mix of Malunggay and Spinach known as Malunggay and Spinach powder. A power duo, a product of nature, harnesses within reach and concocted with simplicity. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study aspired primarily, to search for alternative ways of utilizing the common backyard plants Malunggay and Spinach so that it won’t be placed into waste. Secondarily, make a different and simple preparation of it right in one’s home aside from the usual capsule and tablet forms, which currently dominate in the market. Lastly, to disseminate the information on how to augment a nutritional need within in reach and friendly to the pocket. The study addressed the following specific questions: 1. What are the procedures in preparing the Malunggay and Spinach powder? 2. Is there a specific expiration for this product? 3. Are there different processes of drying each kind of leaves? 4. How long can the end product be stored? 5. Is it advisable to dry the Malunggay and Spinach leaves under direct sunlight? 6. What are the uses of the Malunggay and Spinach powder as an additive? 7. What specific amounts of Malunggay and Spinach to be prepared to meet our nutritional needs? 8. What are the nutritional values from the combination of Malunggay and Spinach? 9. Can this research work possibly be pursued in the future? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Health awareness is the prime investment, ingenuity is the investors joining effort and wellness is the net gain. Most people think that adapting a healthy and well-conditioned life is expensive and difficult to achieve. The significance is just how one resourcefully utilizes the cheap, the natural abundance of nature, and the untiring quest to alternatives and remedies. Malunggay and Spinach are kind of vegetables that are rich with vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are needed for optimum health. The purposeful cahoots will serve as a supplement Malunggay, touted as â€Å"All- around miracle tree† or â€Å"Natures medicine cabinet† contains a wide variety of nutrients in high amounts and Spinach, known as â€Å"Powerhouse of Nutrients† fill in essential Potassium, Phosphorus and Niacin that Malunggay does not have. This potent combination in powder form add nutrition to our deficient diet due to modern farming methods, nutrient-deficient soils, high levels ofpollution that places more stress, and busy lifestyles that make it hard to prepare healthy balanced diet. It acts as an inexpensive insurance against nutritional deficiencies. This study will promote awareness on the relevance of serving of vegetable meals, soup, bread, dessert, shakes, juices and mixes with Malunggay and Spinach powder. It encourages households to plant Malunggay and Spinach in backyards for persona lconsumption. Furthermore, it supports the Department of Agriculture on their program of propagating vegetable garden e.g. Malunggay and Spinach as a revenue-generating industry under its biotechnology program where it currently enjoys wide array ofMalunggay, Spinach and other vegetable based products manufactured in the Philippines and being sold in local and international markets. Finally, it inspires people to study and search for benefits on vegetables and other agricultural produce. HYPOTHESIS The study promote awareness on the relevance of serving of vegetable meals, soup, bread, dessert, shakes, juices and mixes with Malunggay and Spinach powder. It encourages households to plant Malunggay and Spinach in backyards for personal consumption. The Malunggay and Spinach leaves dry up well when stored in a well-ventilated room without the direct exposure of sunlight and are easier to pound in order to be made as an all-natural food powder. Due time, the leaves of both plant stalks fell down. And by the use of mortar and pestle in pulverizing the leaves make it into a healthy food powder. And lastly, the end product was sealed in a clean container ready for consumption or even for commercial productivity. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study focused on the specifications of how to procure the major quality ingredients, the Malunggay and Spinach leaves and conscientiously observed the proper storage and maintenance of suitable room temperature. It took two (2) months and a half to get the finalresult of the research work using the method of experimentation. As Malunggay wasreadily cultivated in the backyard on the contrary, Spinach was a hard find. It started froma given tiny seedling from mountainous Busay and was replanted. The Spinach was tediously tended since it was never been spared from the affectation

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gender Differences Towards Work Life Balance Social Work Essay Essay Example

Gender Differences Towards Work Life Balance Social Work Essay Essay Example Gender Differences Towards Work Life Balance Social Work Essay Essay Gender Differences Towards Work Life Balance Social Work Essay Essay 4.0 Introduction: The findings and analysis nowadayss all the information that was gathered based on the methodological analysis employed in the earlier chapter. The function of this chapter identifies findings which had revealed and explained employees understanding and perceptual experience towards work-life balance incorporated within MEGA through analysing informations. Gender Differences towards work-life balance: Balancing work and non-work committednesss requires clip direction which could be a spot of a challenge. The diagram below illustrates such comparing between both genders. Findingss on the mean degree of employees able to equilibrate work and household life duties on a hebdomadal footing revealed that bulk of the respondent indicated that they are rarely able to equilibrate both. The consequences were given from both genders where the 35 per centum of respondent that chose that they seldom are able to equilibrate both were adult females as opposed to the balance answered yes they are ever able were work forces. : The research worker findings had revealed that seemingly adult females tend to be the 1s that fundamentally are rarely capable of accomplishing work-life balance on a hebdomadal footing. Besides the diagram shows that work forces are better able to hold a better work-life balance whether it is frequently or ever as compared to adult females. Furthermore in add-on from the questionnaire another determination was analyzed where it was revealed that from both genders the mean is higher in adult females who have kids compared to work forces. Figure illustrate that the adult females within MEGA has the higher figure of kids as against work forces who has twice as least. Besides analysing the information in figure ( ) there are three times more adult females than work forces working in MEGA. The research worker analysis is drawn upon that the anticipation rate of adult females is higher to see struggle seeking to equilibrate both work and household duties as opposed to work forces within this peculiar organisation is because there are more adult females working in MEGA as against to the figure of work forces employ. Causes of Work-Life Balance Conflict The causes of work-life struggle were analyzed by the research worker to happen out the ground behind it. The research worker findings were nt a spot surprise by the consequences from employees. From the figure, the research worker found out that the major causes of struggle between equilibrating work and personal duties was associating to these four factors within MEGA. The job-relating factor that influences work-life struggle the most was deficient flexibleness in the workplace. Eighty-nine per centum ( 89 % ) of employees responded that they had troubles equilibrating work and personal life duties as a consequence of non holding adequate flexibleness as compared to 67 ( 67 % ) was other conducive factor. Timing of meetings/training was the least whereas working long hours was minimum. Participants were asked to bespeak which of the undermentioned hinder you in equilibrating your work committednesss in the workplace. Figure ( ) depicts the findings on the relevant classs that hinder employees work accomplishment. An scrutiny of the chart point out that caring for kids at been scored highest where 63 per centum of respondent imply that this issue hinders them to accomplish work committednesss. Followed by a close responds to other and leisure clip activities where 23 per centum indicated other and 18 per centum imply leisure clip. The balance answered farther instruction. The participated directors and supervisors were so asked to depict the importance of work-life balance within the organisation. Based on the replies given by directors and supervisors to depict the importance of work life balance, all participants agreed 100 per centum that there is positive result for holding reconciliation in the organisation. They all relate work-life balance as agencies of helping employees to cut down emphasis degree which in bend would present significant high productiveness, occupation satisfaction and some degree of committedness to the organisation. The research worker analysis of the causes of work-life balance struggle is related chiefly to deficient flexibleness in the workplace. The consequence suggests that employees do nt hold a job working long hours or overtime. However possibly if employees are/were given sufficient flexibleness to pull off both duties tend them would be more likely to minimise work-life struggle. As Robertson ( 2007 ) stated in the literature reappraisal, organisations that offer flexibleness in the workplace give employees the advantage to hold good balance between both duties whereas germinating to healthy employees and in return healthy employees are good for concern sequence. Conversely taking attention of kids has been pointed out to be the most important hinderance factor for employees to accomplish work committednesss in MIC. As Hudson ( 2005 ) stated earlier that employees are more likely to be less productive, less committed and extremely decisive of go forthing the administration once they are sing increased emphasis due to work/life conflicting issues and are perceived of holding no control over equilibrating work and non-work demands. To be of the same sentiment the writer analysis is drawn upon where directors and supervisors all understand the importance of integrating work-life balance in the workplace. All respondents had coincided with Hudson ( 2005 ) statement of employees degree of positive result to organisation. Policies On the questionnaire, employees were asked if they presently use any of the work-life policies provided by the organisation. The writer received 100 per centum of all respondent replying that they all use work-life policies that are provided by the organisation, nevertheless it is a inquiry of how do they use such policies. Another inquiry was implied inquiring if employees were given blessing of such work-life policies provided by the organisation. Question Yes No Are you given blessing of work-life policies 83 % 17 % Out of one hundred 83 per centum stated that they are given blessing whereas the staying 17 % had imply that they are non given any blessing. Directors and supervisors were asked what is the organisation typical manner or tools used for helping or advancing work-life balance. From the interview, the writer found that there are work-life policies implemented within MEGA, nevertheless there are merely a few. Employees are given six ( 6 ) yearss which is applicable as insouciant leave to help with personal errands merely at director s discretion of allowing blessing. In add-on flexible workings hours are administered where employees can get down work from 7:30 ante meridiem 8:30 a.m. where they are allow A? hr and finish work between 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. in the interim employees must work 7A? hours per twenty-four hours. However employees are required to work back their hours by the terminal of the hebdomad in the event that they request time-off or does non work the needed sum of hours per twenty-four hours. From the questionnaire, employees were farther asked to what widen do the work-life policies make a difference with equilibrating work and personal issues. From the findings, it revealed from the figure ( ) that 22 per centum answer saying that it made little difference whereas 53 per centum of respondents indicated that the work-life policies implemented within the organisation makes no difference towards their day-to-day duties. An probe into MEGA employees attending records was examined from 2009 to 2010 to do a comparing for how many insouciant leave was taken and to bespeak if there was any tendency. Figure ( ) illustrate such findings for both old ages. The standard divergence of yearss taken by employees was 23.00 in 2009 and 23.87 in 2010. The figure besides shows that bulk of employees utilized the full sum of insouciant yearss which is six ( 6 ) for both 2009 and 2010 followed by the use of five ( 5 ) insouciant yearss. With letter writer to insouciant leave, from the interview directors were asked how the work-life policies and processs implemented for employees are. Again from the interview the writer findings had revealed assorted respondents from both directors and supervisors. Apparently employees are granted insouciant leave and flexible clip based on each section and directors discretion. In add-on to the findings during the interview participants were asked if there are any sorts of punishment or negativeness towards employees who avail such policies. Again this inquiry was answered in conformity to each section director. Majority of the directors explain that employees are non hinder from calling patterned advance or promotional accomplishment nevertheless employees must work back the clip that are required to work, to finish deadlines and deficit of employees. If employees are non subjective to such regulations there would be a decrease in their wage. Supervisors viewed the same responds bespeaking understanding to the directors. However supervisors stated further that employees are kept back from promotional development in MEGA based on their attending records non by such single parts and committednesss to public presentation. Based on the findings relevant to the work-life balance policies incorporated with MEGA, the writer analysis is interpreted as there are work-life policies implemented within the organisation, nevertheless the methods used to help employees is non well sufficient to carry through with such balance of work and personal life duties. Yes employees are given flexible on the job clip nevertheless 1 hr difference is non considered as a drawn-out clip to advance it as a method for work-life balance. Besides the flexible on the job hours does non do much difference to bulk of the employees. Employees who have such powerful policies to help them with work outing work-life struggle are more likely to cover with equilibrating both issues easier. Galinsky and Stein ( 1990 ) found that employees who have the power to work out work jobs were likely to endure lower emphasis and felt their occupation caused less intervention with their life. Furthermore even though employees are given blessing of such work-life policies, the permission of blessing of policies are pattern otherwise in each section. In add-on to cover with such work-life challenges bulk of the employees result to the use of all or most of their insouciant leave. To a farther extent, the findings draw that direction resent employees of using such policies. As already explained in the literature reappraisal use of work-life policies can be perceive a factor correlated to less occupation security and negative calling patterned advance ( Rodbourne 1996 ) . Pull offing Balance: Directors and supervisors were asked to depict the importance of work-life balance. The mean respondent by directors and supervisors provided comparatively the same reply where they understood that work-life balance is a manner of being able to equilibrate both the demands for work committednesss and personal life duties as a agency of mundane place. Do you believe if employees have good work-life balance the organisation will be more effectual and successful? Employees were asked that if employees have good work-life balance if the organisation would be more effectual and successful. Figure indicate the respondent from employees pertain to the inquiry. Based on the respondent the bulk of employees answered yes to that inquiry. In fact findings revealed that 90 % of employees strongly believed the organisation would be more effectual and successful if the employees have good work-life balance. Furthermore based on the inquiry asked, employees were besides asked to stipulate on the same inquiry how the organisation would be successful based on their reply whether the reply was yes or no. The bulk of the respondent who answered yes had fundamentally the same response. Majority of the respondent answered by connoting that if employees have good work life balance employees tend to work more expeditiously whereby the degree of productiveness would decidedly increase because employees are less overwhelmed and would be able to concentrate better. The qualitative findings of employees acquiring good work-life balance in the workplace were questioned. What could the organisation do to assist employees equilibrate both work and household life committednesss? There were assorted positions expressed towards organisation aid with work-life balance. Average respondents had expressed that the organisation could be more considerate by admiting that as employees they experience challenges beguiling both committednesss by seeking to suit of import household assignments and demands for work deadlines. The stances by employees had pointed out besides that the organisation should offer more flexibleness in footings of accomplishable flexible working hours. One respondent stated that organisations should be a spot flexible for the viing duties of acquiring the childs ready for school, going to work, long hours of engorged traffic, picking up the childs from school and acquiring place tardily at eventides Monday to Friday . While other respondent stated that direction demand to be more indulgent towards employees using such work-life policies that are implemented within the organisation. Based on the available replies that was collected through the usage of this inquiries employed, it inherently seems that the organisation would profit by become successful and more efficaciously from using good work-life balance. Both directors and supervisors already have an apprehension of what is work-life and the importance of integrating. In fact from the literature reappraisal Tourn ( 2007 ) had imply that the organisation can profit from work-life balance where the returns would be additions of productiveness, lower turnover rate and trueness from employees. Besides Thompson et al. , ( 1999 ) , had implied the same construct. If organisations can non further good work-life integrating so employees sing both private and work emphasis will probably to endure from low concentration and in the terminal lower productiveness ( Thompson et al. , 1999 ) . The greatest benefit for a good work-life balance to be effectual and successful is in fact suggested that the organisation promote such executing. So it is safe to connote that the grounds speaks for itself. Support for Work-Life Balance Further to the findings, during the interview participants were asked to depict the present work environment place with respects to employees parts, degree of productiveness and committednesss to the organisation. Almost five out of six of the directors explained the present work environment as remotely satisfactory because there is teamwork amongst employees for acquiring the work done and most of the clip deadlines are achieved. One director explicitly describe the work environment as imbalance because often employees are describing ill whereas work duties have to delegated to a section that is seen as deficit of employees. Supervisors besides viewed this inquiry otherwise by connoting that there is sensible dissatisfaction in the workplace because employees are somewhat frustrated and tends to completed merely what is necessary on a day-to-day footing. Furthermore supervisor described it as unbalance satisfaction because employees are describing tardily or vomit often doing overl apped of their duties to other employees that are present. From the replies given the research worker draws analysis that the work environment as per se imbalance. Employees are told to take on add-on work duties added to their regular occupation demand because some employees are often describing sick. Furthermore respondents were asked to bespeak which of the following in figure ( ) help them towards equilibrating work and household committednesss. Based from the figure shown below, a frequence per centum of 44.7 per centum unwrap that the usage of work-life leave available within MEGA was the 1 to assist with the balance of both work and household committednesss. Besides on farther appraisal 32 per centum of the respondents get support from household members followed by a close scope of 31.2 per centum of support from their supervisors. However statistical happening discover that the participated respondents had specified that the least sum of work-life balance support are from directors by a 16.5 per centum. Besides to add to work-life struggle, from figure ( ) it has been understood that employees employed within MEGA do non obtain full support from theirs directors. As the research worker callback from the literature reappraisal, employees who have family-supportive directors and work in organisation that offers family-friendly enterprises tends to remain with the organisation ( Powell 2010 ) . Participated directors and supervisors were asked during an interview done individually, how directors and the organisation presently stress work-life balance in the workplace. Answers from both directors and supervisors were slightly a assorted viewed from the interview. The directors explained that employees are given support where employees can near the directors with emphasis associating to experiencing overworked and personal issues for the directors are worlds and have household lives besides. However supervisors begged to differ from directors acknowledgment. Supervisors stated that directors are remotely negative towards employees particularly when it comes to jobs that are non really work-related. From the findings it seems that directors had implied that they are supportive towards employees when in fact they are nt. Employees and supervisors have both agreed that directors are inflexible towards their employees in the workplace. As Herlihy A ; Maiden ( 2005 ) suggested that in order for employees to be effectual at work, directors themselves need to be able to do alone parts to the administration that lies within the contexts of their ain personal status. So it is apparent that directors themselves need to hold an instability in work and personal life issues in order to lend and be to the full support ive of work-life integrating. Overall Discussion From the whole findings that were questioned and examined by the writer, the consequences underline some really importance relationship and differences between the work-life policies and execution with regard to both employees and the organisation. Management already have a clear apprehension of what is work-life balance is and the high importance of advancing work-life in the workplace. Management someway believe that the organisation have work-life policies incorporated within the workplace that would help employees but based on the research done about work-life balance, those methods used by MEGA are non sufficient and good foster to help with equilibrating work and life issues. MIC full organisation work force consists of bulk of adult females employ compared to the work forces and bulk of the adult females has more than 1 kid. Friedman A ; Greenhaus ( 2000 ) already noted that adult females make up half the work force in organisation and is increasing in higher degrees. Amongst the gender difference most adult females in MIC are rarely able to equilibrate both their work and household life on a regular footing. However despite the spread in the gender difference, employees by and large are dissatisfied with working agreement of work-life balance carried out in the organisation. Almost the whole of direction perceived the present work environment as balance where employees degree of committedness and productiveness are satisfactory, nevertheless the supervisors are non 100 per centum in understanding with the degree of parts achieved by employees. The findings from the questionnaires answered by employees besides incline grounded analysis that MIC present work environment is non every bit balance as direction perceptual experience towards it, the writer is in understanding with the employees and supervisors responds. Consequences suggest that the two chief factors associated to work-life struggles within MIC are deficient flexibleness and working overtime. In relation to this employees non have a job with working overtime nevertheless flexibleness needs seting to help them to accomplishing balance with work and personal life demand. Thomas and Ganster ( 1995 ) found that proper scheduling which gave a group of employees more control over their clip had in fact cut down struggle between work-life duties. In add-on employees major hinder for accomplishing work within MIC is taken up by the duties of taking attention of kids, other personal duties and leisure clip. Given the findings of employees using such policies direction are negative towards employee for subjecting to such action. In this respect, Hein ( 2005 ) had explain that employees tend to be hesitating to continue to utilize them because of calling concerns or the fact that they receive negativeness from line directors and tends to deter them from utilizing it. The importance of supportive work environment chiefly from MIC direction is what employees are qualifying on. The consequence found that employees get a batch of support from household members and supervisors nevertheless employees are non to the full supported by some of direction where they receive negative attitude and bitterness from direction. The organisation foster supportive measuring to suit employees yet for bulk of employees some departmental civilization is embodied in the attitudes and behaviors of their immediate line director. Such support from directors mitigates the negative effects of work-life struggle happening. Employees who have family-supportive directors and work in organisation that offers family-friendly enterprises tends to remain with the organisation ( Powell 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // file=haw/files/Work-lifeBalance.pdf

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test The chi-square goodness of fit test is a variation of the more general chi-square test. The setting for this test is a single categorical variable that can have many levels. Often in this situation, we will have a theoretical model in mind for a categorical variable. Through this model we expect certain proportions of the population to fall into each of these levels. A goodness of fit test determines how well the expected proportions in our theoretical model matches reality. Null and Alternative Hypotheses The null and alternative hypotheses for a goodness of fit test look different than some of our other hypothesis tests. One reason for this is that a chi-square goodness of fit test is a nonparametric method. This means that our test does not concern a single population parameter. Thus the null hypothesis does not state that a single parameter takes on a certain value. We start with a categorical variable with n levels and let pi be the proportion of the population at level i. Our theoretical model has values of qi for each of the proportions. The statement of the null and alternative hypotheses are as follows: H0: p1 q1, p2 q2, . . . pn qnHa: For at least one i, pi is not equal to qi. Actual and Expected Counts The calculation of a chi-square statistic involves a comparison between actual counts of variables from the data in our simple random sample and the expected counts of these variables. The actual counts come directly from our sample. The way that the expected counts are calculated depends upon the particular chi-square test that we are using. For a goodness of fit test, we have a theoretical model for how our data should be proportioned. We simply multiply these proportions by the sample size n to obtain our expected counts. Computing Test Statistic The chi-square statistic for goodness of fit test is determined by comparing the actual and expected counts for each level of our categorical variable. The steps to computing the chi-square statistic for a goodness of fit test are as follows: For each level, subtract the observed count from the expected count.Square each of these differences.Divide each of these squared differences by the corresponding expected value.Add all of the numbers from the previous step together. This is our chi-square statistic. If our theoretical model matches the observed data perfectly, then the expected counts will show no deviation whatsoever from the observed counts of our variable. This will mean that we will have a chi-square statistic of zero. In any other situation, the chi-square statistic will be a positive number. Degrees of Freedom The number of degrees of freedom requires no difficult calculations. All that we need to do is subtract one from the number of levels of our categorical variable. This number will inform us on which of the infinite chi-square distributions we should use. Chi-square Table and P-Value The chi-square statistic that we calculated corresponds to a particular location on a chi-square distribution with the appropriate number of degrees of freedom. The p-value determines the probability of obtaining a test statistic this extreme, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. We can use a table of values for a chi-square distribution to determine the p-value of our hypothesis test. If we have statistical software available, then this can be used to obtain a better estimate of the p-value. Decision Rule We make our decision on whether to reject the null hypothesis based upon a predetermined level of significance. If our p-value is less than or equal to this level of significance, then we reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Health promotion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health promotion - Assignment Example These expansive effects of poor and unhygienic conditions in which the homeless live have continually emphasized to health professionals such as the advanced practice nurse the essentiality of embracing a managerial or a leadership role in advocating for and addressing the health needs of the homeless. Consequently, there is a need to strategize through various health programs that would help maintain the health of the homeless (National Institute of Health, 1997). For instance, affordable and clean housing could effectively alleviate the health-related suffering of the homeless. There are several definitions of homelessness that health providers should be acquainted with so that they effectively address the many health challenges faced by the homeless. For instance, homelessness could be defined as a state in which an individual sleeps or lives outside using public or private shelters. This type of homelessness, referred to as absolute homelessness, is quite unlike concealed homeles sness in which a person provisionally lodges with friends, families, or relatives. However, the common characteristics of the homeless include the risks their struggles to meet basic human needs such as housing and food during which they encounter problems related to service suitability, affordability, cleanliness, and adequacy. This paper explores the health issues faced by the homeless, discussing specific types of health issues encountered, the best possible interventions and strategies, and the possible role of advanced practice nurse in such situations. Health Issues for the Homeless Scores of literatures highlight the health issues faced by the homeless. Generally, there is an increased rate of infectious and chronic medical conditions such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, community-acquired pneumonia, cardiovascular disease, and chronic obstructive lung disease among the homeless. Prevalence rates for cancers are also higher in the homeless compared to the general population due to several risk factors such as cigarette smoking, alcoholism, and sun exposure. In fact, about 40% of homeless people reportedly have one type of chronic health problem or the other (Schanzer et al., 2007). Another 10% to 13% are reported to have psychotic disorders while between 20% and 40% are reported to have affective disorders (Schanzer et al., 2007). It has also been reported that about 20% to 30% of all adult emergency department visits are made by the homeless while homeless patients are reportedly being admitted five times more often and have longer stays at health facilities than the general population have (Schanzer et al., 2007). There is a rather direct correlation between homelessness and the accessibility and affordability of health services. What is more, the homeless are often found to be at a higher risk of contracting chronic and fatal conditions such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, and pneumonia among other such conditions. Nursing, nursing students, and other health providers have consequently been called upon every other time to initiate and implement programs and strategies by which the health issues facing the homeless could be addressed. Hence, nursing and nurses have quite crucial a role and responsibility in alleviating the suffering of the homeless with regards to health care inequalities and deprivation (Culhane et al., 2001). However, nursing and the provision of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The reflective and reflexive journal Term Paper

The reflective and reflexive journal - Term Paper Example This is essential in helping the students to understand what is being learnt. The teacher asked us to comment on his teaching on the above areas at the end of the session. I noted that he had fulfilled all the requirements except one; avoiding stacking. This involved reading three times; the first time we read headlines then scanned the text then read it in details. This made me to question Hading’s assertion that teachers should avoid stacking. I believe stacking is good as it made me understand the reading. This corresponded with my own experience of learning. I learn well when the teacher is moving around the class since I am able to hear what he/she is saying. We also learnt about using of varied interaction patterns. According to Ur (1996), this involves group work, individual work, pairing, and questioning. In the class we worked in pairs to match items. This gave the teacher time to monitor and for us to interact. We also learnt how to build rapport in classroom and the importance of doing so. Senior (2008) emphasizes the use of rapport for effective class management. This involves developing a respectful and trusting relationship with students so that they can be engaged and motivated. This entails knowing the names of students, reaching out to all students, noticing all that goes on in the class, and acknowledging students contributions. This changed my way of thinking as I always thought that making students to fear the teacher is the best way to make them work hard and respect you. I also thought interacting with students would make the teacher lose respect. However, previous experience has proved to me that engaging with the teacher and building trust is essential since the teacher is able to understand me and am able to connect well with the teacher hence improved understanding. I can ask questions without fear and the teacher is very supportive in helping me to get answers. This session is closely related to the previous lesson on how to mo tivate and engage students to learn effectively. References Harding da Rosa, J-M. (2012) ‘Managing your classes’ in  English Teaching Professional, issue 82, pp 22-24 Senior, R. (2008) 'Developing Rapport' in  English Teaching Professional, issue 54, pp 4-6. Ur, P. (1996)  A Course in Language Teaching.   Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Motivation for me is the inner drive to achieve a desired goal. People are motivated by different things. For some, the desire to get a reward either financial or non financial drives them. For others, having a good environment is motivating while others are motivated by perceived equity and fairness in the classroom (Miner, 2007). I remember when I was in high school we used to be given rewards for exemplary performance, this made me to put a lot of effort in my class work so as to get as may rewards as possible. Motivation leads to engagement which refers to commitment to an objective. This is supported by Thomas (2009, p .42) assertion that â€Å"engaged workers can self-manage, commit to a meaningful purpose, choose how best to accomplish the purpose, monitor their activities and make adjustments as needed.† Motivation and engagement have always been related to the work context but Williams (1999) and Harmer (2006) incorporate these terms into the learning environment. For Williams, motivation determines the rate and